FREE: At 3 Local Libraries

Pat Jobe

FREE: At 3 Local Libraries

Forest City dentist, Dr. Bill Hunt, holds a book on his lap and offers a big smile in hopes local folks will rally to the free toothbrushes at libraries and encourages reading at bedtime and a solid routine of good toothbrushing.

Brush Them Teefies!

We have heard it all our lives, but the Partnership for Children of the Foothills wants the message married to a bedtime, book and a consistent routine. The program is supported by three local libraries: Mooneyham in Forest City, the County Library on Callahan-Koon Road, and the Mountain Branch Library on Bills Creek Road.

Free toothbrushes and information on the Brush, Bed, and Book program can be picked up from the libraries.

Reading at bedtime builds a bond among parents and children and good dental health affects overall health for a lifetime. Yes, it does!