“Dancing With The Stars” Raises $5,540 For R-S Central’s SkillsUSA Section Two Club!

M.A. Andrews

“Dancing With The Stars” Raises $5,540 For  R-S Central’s SkillsUSA Section Two Club!

The 19-time National Champions Bailey Mountain Cloggers of Mars Hill College
     The second annual “Dancing With The Stars” of Rutherford County at R-S Central High School turned out to be a great success. It is a fund raiser for the R-S Central SkillsUSA Section Two Club. The program supports the funding to take students to both state and national competition. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA’s main goal is to help each student excel. Their motto is : “Preparing for leadership in the world of work.”

     This year R-S Central will be taking students to compete in the following categories:  residential wiring, firefighting, tool identification and extemporaneous poster. The money raised by the second annual “Dancing With The Stars” will help pay for registration fees, uniforms, transportation, hotel and tools needed for the competition. Ten students will be in this years competition. They leave Tuesday, April 17th and will return Thursday, April 19th. We wish them much success.

     Anyone interested in dancing and participating in the upcoming program, you may contact teachers Travis or Rebecca Toms at R-S Central (828-287-3304). The next event will be Saturday, November 3rd.