Spindale Elementary School Mayfeast car show planned for May 14

Pat Nanney

 Spindale Elementary School Mayfeast car show planned for May 14

Attend a cruise-in or car show in the Rutherford County area and you are likely to see Johnnie Adkins under a tent, microphone in hand, a stack of "golden oldies" on CDs, beautiful trophies and a multitude of door prizes for those entering vehicles in the show. Adkins assisted with the first annual car show held Saturday at Spindale Elementary School and is planning a Mayfeast car, truck and bike show May 14th at Carolina Farmhouse Restaurant. When he organizes the event proceeds are given to Hospice of the Carolina Foothills.

Johnnie moved to Rutherford County in 1967 while working for what was then Reeves Brothers. He helped his daughter and son-in-law with a car show to raise funds for the Hudlow Volunteer Fires Department. After that he decided to purchase his own sound system and music to host other car shows. His willingness to help with this type of event now consumes 2 to 4 weekends a month from spring through fall. Johnnie has also been selected to DJ and host the Ford, GM and Mopar shows held annually at the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer.

He estimates spending approximately 50 hours of his time over a two week period organizing a show, distributing posters that he gets printed, arranging for the trophies and soliciting door prizes. Johnnie and his wife Maggie purchased a classic 1966 Chevrolet Corvette in 2001 that will usually be on display near his tent. Johnnie believes it is seeing old friends and making new friends that entices owners of classic vehicles to display them at shows he coordinates. Most of the time trophies are presented based on professional judging of the entries. Don't be surprised to see A Little GTO, Sally's Mustang or a Little Red Corvette at a car show while Johnnie Adkins is spinning the "golden oldies."