Duke Energy Supports KidSenses' Energy Programs

J. Willard Whitson

Duke Energy Supports KidSenses' Energy Programs

KidSenses Children's Interactive Museum has received a $9,000 grant to purchase equipment to help it partner with Lake Lure Classical Academy (LLCA) to offer a series of free, hands on STEAM-themed maker workshops to seventh grade science students. STEAM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, art, and math. A primary focus of these programs will be to help youth understand sustainable practices in the production and use of energy. "Proficiency in these areas of study will help our children find their own sustainable futures", said the Museum's Executive Director, Willard Whitson.

This STEAM Energy program initiative began with an introductory workshop on October 4, 2021 and will continue throughout the school year. "We are extremely pleased to partner with faculty at LLCA. The knowledge we gain from offering these programs will be invaluable in helping KidSenses create successful future STEAM programs for the existing Museum facility and for The FACTORY, the Museum's new teen learning center, now under construction", said Mandi Williams, KidSenses' Deputy Director.

Mr. Whitson further said, "We are very grateful to have the support of Duke Energy, widely recognized as a pioneer in developing best practices in the production and delivery of sustainable energy throughout the southeast. Over the last five years the Duke Energy Foundation has provided over $65,000 in support of educational programs, and free access through our Fantastic Fridays program."

"Duke Energy is committed to supporting activities for youth that stimulate interest in STEM topics. Knowledge in these areas can enable children in our region to succeed in the future workplace", said Craig DeBrew, District Manager for Government and Community Relations of Duke Energy of the Carolinas.

KidSenses Children's Interactive Museum is located in downtown Rutherfordton. For more info visit www.kidsenses.org or www.factorymuseum.org.