ECA District Day 2016 Held

Cathy Holmes

ECA District Day 2016 Held

On April 29, 2016 Cathy Holmes West District ECA President and members of Rutherford County hosted their West District Day Program at Frist Baptist Church in Forest City. The Theme was Color your Future with ECA and the focus was on Butterflies and Rainbows because ECA is that Butterfly that spreads wings of love throughout the Community, and it is that Rainbow of Hope for the Future".

It was well attended by eight counties Cleveland, Buncombe, Cherokee, Henderson, McDowell, Mitchell, and Watauga. The activates were cultural arts viewing and recognition silent auction, a presentation, door prizes and sponsor gifts. We enjoyed a delicious meal catered by Dave Linder from Forest City Fish he also gave inspiring words for us to stay involved with helping the community.

Steve Garrison the Rutherford County Manager presented a wonderful greeting and expressed his appreciation for all the hard work ECA does for the County. Tracy Davis our Liaison agent who is very supportive and invaluable did an outstanding Interpretation of our theme. We had Special Guest from Raleigh North Carolina Our State NCECA President Faye Lanier delivered inspiring words of encouragement for ECA to continue moving forward. Dr. Mike Yoder Associate Director, State Program leader, 4-H and FCS gave encouraging words for us to keep ECA moving forward in the future and encouraged others to become leaders.

Wanda Denning NCECA Parliamentarian enlightens us on the upcoming NVON Conference to be held July 19-21 2016 in Normal Illinois; she also spoke about the Great plans for the NVON Conference in Raleigh NC July 2017. Geri Bushel NCECA Advisor gave Greeting and update from NC State University, Human Trafficking Initiative, and Master FCS Volunteer Program- Branding and the value of FCS. They all did a magnificent job.