Grace Of God Rescue Mission...

Grace Of God Rescue Mission...

The dedicated Director, Terry Hagaman with Gail’s House Supervisor, Teresa Wells (left) with Terry’s wife and assistant, Sherry. (right)
    18 years ago, Chris Davis and Denver Buchanan from Chase Baptist Church saw the need and organized what became “The Grace Of God Rescue Mission”. They had visited Shelby’s Rescue Mission and discovered that one third of the people in Shelby were from Rutherford County. They saw the need and fulfilled it.

    Today their mission has not only got stronger but is now in the midst of creating “Grace Acres Gardens and Park”, close to the men’s shelter. The giving and caring nature of this organization can be overwhelming.

    The Grace Of God Rescue Mission is the place where “no one is turned down”. It is the only homeless shelter in Rutherford and Polk Counties. The mission also reaches out to Landrum and Chesnee, South Carolina. They feed an average of 100 or more people a day, seven days a week, at 5 p.m. It first started as a soup kitchen two days a week. This all takes place at 537 West Main Street in Forest City. They also provide shelter for men, women and children.

    The mission is run by dedication - dedication of Terry Hagaman who has been the Director the entire time the mission has existed. He is assisted by his wife, Sherry. His dedication affects everyone around him at this magnificent place. A good example is Teresa Wells. She came to Grace of God Rescue Mission with three kids and not very happy. She swore she would only stay for no more than two weeks. Thirteen years later she is still there and her children have grown up there. She is now in charge of the women’s shelter, named Gail’s House. Gail’s House was named after Gail Hogan who was very instrumental in helping the mission grow. She was a teacher and after her death from cancer in 1996, the women’s shelter was named in her honor. A separate facility, Grace Acres, is the men’s shelter. It is run by Chuck Bergenstock. The shelters for both the men and women provide housing and sleeping quarters and three meals a day for 30 days. During that period, the men and women are taken out about every day to look for a job, an apartment, or house. They are given the opportunity to enroll in GED or college courses. If necessary, they are given clothes and shoes to properly apply for work.

    The mission also gives drug tests and, if required, puts the individual through a six month substance abuse program. Everything about this mission is to rebuild peoples lives and make them a contributor to society. In turn, they regain self-esteem and help others. Also, everyone is paid for the work that they do.

    The mission statement of The Grace Of God Rescue Mission says it all: “We want to reflect the love of God by providing a safe haven for homeless men, women and children and to provide for the physical needs of the less fortunate individuals in the community while providing an opportunity to hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

    This great and caring place exists through contributions of citizens who realize the good work The Grace Of God Rescue Mission does. People contribute money, volunteer their time, and give food. Every month, in their newsletter they publish a “needs” list. If you would like to help this magnificent program, you can do so by stopping by or calling 828-245-9141. The reflection of the good they do is seen daily in those who are given their lives back and go forward to contribute to society.