Grahamtown Reunion draws hundreds for its drive through event

Jean Gordon

Grahamtown Reunion draws hundreds for its drive through event

Photos contributed.

The annual Grahamtown Reunion was a bit different over Labor Day weekend with social distancing due to COVID-19, but crowds joined in the annual celebration held off Hardin Road in Forest City. Everybody received a free hot dog meal and other items from community groups and churches around the area.

Lynetha Miller coordinated the annual event.

"We served hundreds of citizens in the community," Miller said.

Among those donating to the cause were the Town of Forest City, Community Empowerment, Grahamtown Community Center (G-Team) and the Forest City Recreation Department.

"Volunteers from different churches did a tremendous job" Miller said.

Churches donating items for the gathering were Oak Grove Baptist Church, Florence Baptist, New Bethel AME, New Birth Church and Well Springs Church.

Ingle's, Bi-Lo and Walmart also donated items.

Lisa Harrill from the Rutherford County Schools donated supplies for the children.

Among those assisting with serving were Forest City Mayor Steve Holland and Sherry Holland.