It’s For The Children Of Rutherford County!

It’s For  The Children Of Rutherford County!

Making hundreds of pancakes for the annual event is Scott Webber.

The annual Forest City Kiwanis pancake breakfast has been going on for 40 years or more. It is the primary fundraiser of the Kiwanis to benefit the community. This year is very special. On January 18, 2014, retired Finance Director of Forest City, Pruett Walden passed away at Duke University Medical Center. Mr. Walden was a member of the Forest City Kiwanis Club with perfect attendance for 40 years. He was past president and also Kiwanian Of The Year. This year the breakfast is named in his honor both as a Kiwanian and his service to the community.

The Pruett Walden Memorial Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast will be held at the family center of First United Methodist Church, 341 East Main Street in Forest City Saturday, March 15th from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. The menu includes pancakes, sausage, fruit cup, coffee or milk and orange juice. The price is very reasonable, only $5.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Cash donations will also be greatly accepted. Every cent, all proceeds will benefit the local children’s charities which the Kiwanis Club embraces.

The annual pancake breakfast supports the many good things that the Kiwanis Club does. It gives a bicycle safety helmet and a dictionary to every third grader in Rutherford County. There are also scholarships awarded to students. Tom Roberson, Chairman of this year’s event said: “It is most appropriate that this year we name the pancake breakfast in Pruett’s honor. He was a mainstay and an outstanding example of what a Kiwanian is and always should be to the community.”

Kiwanis International is an international, coeducational service club founded in 1915. It is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana and is found in more than 80 nations. The current membership and its family of clubs is nearly 600,000 members. Its’ mission is to strengthen communities and serve children.

The current President of the Forest City Kiwanis Club is Mike Gavin. President Gavin said: “Pruett certainly deserves this. He never said no. As a member of the Kiwanis he was always there. This year is our 90th birthday and naming the event in his honor is most appropriate.”

A great fundraiser in honor of a great man and a great breakfast for everyone.