Jane Ellen Denno, age 69

Jane Ellen Denno, age 69

Jane Ellen Denno, age 69 of Rutherfordton, passed away on March 15, 2021.

She was born in Portland Oregon the eldest of four children to Donald and Helen Denno. Jane was preceded in death by her parents and her sister Sue Adams of Wisconsin. She is survived by her brother Jim Denno, wife Debby of Salem Oregon, sons Rory, wife Lanae and children of Idaho, son Jesse, wife Nicole also of Idaho and youngest son Eliot of Salem; sister Anne and husband Kenneth Brock of Rutherfordton and sons Kerry and wife Nikki Brock and Kevin Brock and their families of Forest City.

A memorial service was held at the Word of Faith Fellowship Church in Spindale.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the building fund for the Word of Faith Fellowship Church.