Let Us Never Forget Our Heros...

Let Us Never Forget Our Heros...

The gathered crowd at the Rutherford County Veterans Salute, proudly joined in during the opening ceremony. Some were tearful, others bowed their heads in prayer. It was an emotional time. The table on the right is the MIA-POW table.

Let Us Never Forget Our Heros... A Magnificent Salute To Rutherford County Veterans

Perhaps it is because of the recent and current wars that we are more sensitive. Perhaps because of the immense amount of our men and women who have volunteered to serve in our armed forces. Whatever the case, it is good to see that we are spending more time thanking and saluting those who are and have served on Veterans Day.

     We too often forget that there are names that are never known and heros never saluted, because we do not take enough time to honor those who serve and those who never come home. They never ask for recognition. Their courage is celebrated everyday when we wake up and go to bed. G. K. Chesterton put it very well when he said: “Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.”

     We are the land of the free but also a country, since its’ inception, a land of courage. Without question, over and over again, our young men and women are called upon to join the ranks of those who respond to the call of duty. It often seems to me that serving in the armed forces is an equalizer among all. Regardless who you are and where you come from, we all join in a single dedicated purpose and offer, without question, our services.

     On November 11th, we once again took the time to say, “thanks”. We don’t know who you are and mostly cannot call you by name, but we realize you have been and are always there. On Saturday, November 10th at the Rutherford County courthouse, we gathered to hear words, offer a pledge, sing patriotic songs, witness those in uniform, and say a thankful prayer. It was a magnificent way of making sure those in attendance would be assured that we are a grateful nation for those who have, continue and now serve in our armed services. It was a “shout out”  and we wanted everyone to know and to listen.

     Somehow we seem to never to be able to express our unending gratitude. Somehow we wish that every veteran could be given a tearful hug for what they have unselfishly done. They are the reason for our continued pride. They are the reason for our very existence.

     May God bless them, each and everyone and may we never forget.

     God Bless America and thank God for those who continue to let us be the land of the free and home of the brave. You humble us and make us proud.