Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

How are you introduced?

I had the privilege of speaking at an event sponsored by one of the Top 100 Hospitals in the U.S.  Typically someone introduces me at these events and they ask me to provide a script.  In it, I write about what I do and who I am—but not the usual boring list of educational degrees and accomplishments, but more about me as a person; as a father of two daughters and that my wife boards horses and raises yellow Labrador retrievers.

I got to meet and sit with my introducer that day.  She’s quite a delightful woman with a marvelous sense of humor.  As she introduced me, she came to the part about our raising yellow Labs—now remember this is a hospital-sponsored event—and said, “…and he and his wife raise yellow “LABORATORY” retrievers.”  We’ve laughed a lot about her faux pas since.

I guess you just never know how you’re going to be introduced.  Regardless, just be who you are—the person, not the credentials—as you listen to life so you can live positive and work positive today.