Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

How are you feeling?

It’s that time of year again—the cold and virus season.  Unfortunately I came down with a cold that turned into bronchitis.  It took me about three weeks to feel some better.  So I was feeling pretty rotten for a while.

One day, I managed to make it to my office so I could answer some email and do a little writing.  I opened an email from a friend who listens to life through our website at  She wrote that her husband would soon have surgery to remove the top lobe of his lung to remove a tumor.  They also care daily for her aunt and the husband’s mother.  She asked that I pray for healing and strength.

I sat very still for a moment after reading her email.  I realized that while I had been sick, that bronchitis certainly isn’t life threatening.  And that I have so much to be thankful for.  I felt better immediately.

So the next time you’re not feeling well, open your email or just look around and pray for someone else. It’s great medicine to think of others as you Live Positive.