Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

Do you tell stories?

The most common question I get from emails and as I do speaking engagements is:  “How do you come up with all of those stories?”  And that’s a great question.  I write and record about 260 stories a year.

I guess there are two short answers:  One is I Listen to my Life and just share what happens.  And the second, based on the first, is I don’t do anything—writing stories, or anything else—in life alone.  I have help everywhere I go and in everything I do.

I’ve noticed that sharing stories as I Listen to Life sets off a chain reaction of story-telling about positive experiences in other people’s lives.  Folks share their stories with me on my Live Positive blog at  Then I get to share their stories with others around the world.

Ask for help everywhere you go.  Then express yourself about all of the positive assistance you receive.  Tell your stories to anybody who will listen.  

It’s just one more way to Listen to Life and Live Positive.