Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

            Who do you follow?

 My family and I live out on a farm where we have horses and board other people’s horses.  We also raise yellow Labrador retrievers.

 One day I went out in the backyard where one of the labs, Princess, was barking.  She was about a year old, and playful and fun.  She was on a lead and had wrapped her wire all the way around the tree to the point where she could only lie down.  She had no room to move.  She barked for help.

 I discovered her dilemma and started to just unhook her, unwrap the wire from around the tree, and then re-hook her.  But instead, I decided to get her to follow me around the tree however many turns it took to unwrap.  So I called her name and prompted her to follow me.  And she did, bounding around the tree, glad to see me.

 I’m like Princess sometimes, aren’t you?  I wrap myself into some pretty tight predicaments, then cry out for help.  I need someone to show up, not just to fix it for me, but to call me by name and invite me to follow on the way out.

That’s why I listen to life: to make a positive life, not just a living, by following Someone.