Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

Life’s about the little things, isn’t it?

I spoke to a group recently, telling stories like this one while coaching them to listen to life.  Later I saw a man from the audience in the restroom.  He shook my hand firmly, looked me in the eye, and said, “Thank you for what you said.  I really enjoyed it and you reminded me of something that I might have forgotten.”

“What’s that?” I said.  I love it when people tell me their stories.

“Well,” he said, “when my wife and I were first married, she did something that irritated me.  You see, my Mama raised me to always hang the toilet paper so that it fell under the roll.  Well, my wife hung the toilet paper so that it fell over the roll.”

“So how many arguments did you have about that?” I asked.

“More than a few,” he said.  “Until one day I realized that life’s about the little things and I didn’t need to be right every time.”

He’s right this time, you know.  Life is about the little things and you don’t have to be right every time.  Listen to your life for the little things as you make a life, and not just a living and let somebody else be right occasionally.