Listen To Life

Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette
            Got any old tools lying around? 
   Have you ever been rummaging through a drawer and discovered an old tool that you had lost?  It could be a screwdriver or a pair of scissors or a hammer.  When you find it, a tidal wave of memories comes with it.
   Around our house we have a pair of scissors that belonged to my wife’s mother.  They’re dull and we don’t use them much, but every time we stumble on them we think of her mom.  We also have a ladder that’s kinda dangerous to use—it leans and you have to be careful climbing it.  But that ladder belonged to my wife’s dad so every time we use it we remember him.
   Have you got any old tools lying around in your emotions?  Do you believe the way you did when you were a child—believe that someone will take care of you and feed you?  The kind of believing in the impossible that you might have lost as you grew older?
   Rummage around within yourself and begin to believe again.  Remember the times when you saw the impossible become possible.  Believe so that you can make a positive life, not just a living, in a negative world.