Listen To Life

Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

What’s eating you?

There is a type of jellyfish that lives in the Bay of Naples, Italy.  In that same bay are some snails.  When these snails are small, a jellyfish may swallow one of them, but the jellyfish can’t digest the snail because the snail’s shell protects it.

And so the snail fastens itself to the inside of the jellyfish, and in a cruel twist of fate, slowly begins to eat the jellyfish.  When the snail reaches maturity, it’s consumed the entire jellyfish.  The eater becomes the eaten.

So what’s eating you?  What have you swallowed lately?  

Eaten any snails like hate or jealousy?  Pride or selfishness?  Apathy or greed?  Gossip or rumor?  

These snails attach to your spirit and slowly eat you…if you let them

But life doesn’t have to be this way.  You can avoid those negative snails by filtering them out and focusing on the positive. 

So be careful what eats you.  And before you eat, filter them out as you listen to life and make a positive life.