Listen To Life

Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

How’s the weather?           

    The weather is the most talked about and least acted upon subject we have.  For instance, where I live, July and August were really hot and dry.  And that’s what everyone started their conversations about.  In fact, I heard that it was so hot that the trees were whistling for dogs.  And that hot water was coming out of both taps in most homes.  And that you could make sun tea instantly.  And that you could get sunburned through your car window.

    That it was so hot this summer that all you had to do was pull a potato out of the ground and add butter, salt, and pepper because it baked underground.  And that you could break into a sweat the instant you stepped outdoors at 7:30 in the morning.  And that one day, the temperature dropped below 95 and people started shivering.

    Well, maybe it wasn’t that hot.  But unless you live in a dome and control the thermostat, the weather isn’t always going to be perfect.  Just like the world isn’t perfect, either.  So just laugh and make the best of it…as you Live Positive in a negative world.