Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

Do you anticipate?

My family and I went to a theme park. They had changed the rides since I’d been last so it was pretty cool riding them for the first time.

One of my “first-time” rides was one where they strap you in with this over-the-shoulder harness, take you straight up about 160 feet, then drop you so that you’re going about 58 mph, then stop you just before you hit the ground. You’ve probably had a nightmare similar to this ride, the one where you wake up just before you die, hitting the ground.

Well, the dropping wasn’t that bad to me. It lasted just a few seconds. The sudden stop didn’t scare me. What got me was that as you went up, they stopped you near the top and just slowly eased you up the last 20 feet or so, giving you time to anticipate your impending doom if something went wrong.

You know, that’s the way life is. The anticipation of doing something is usually worse than the actual task. So today, when anticipation overwhelms you, relax, and go do it. That’s how you listen to life and make a positive life, not just a living, in a negative world.