Listen To Life

Dr. Joey Faucette

How’s your stress level?

Have you ever finally gotten home from a stressful day at work only to realize, “Hey! I forgot to pick up the laundry!” or a roast for dinner or the kids from school?  Ever wonder why you sit down to take a big test and can’t remember anything you studied? And why you get on stage and can’t find your lines anywhere in your head?  Well, now there’s a scientific explanation—stress makes you forgetful.

The journal Science reports that stressful situations over which you have no control activate the PKC enzyme. This enzyme impairs short-term memory and other functions in the prefrontal cortex.

You know, every week confronts us with these kinds of situations. Life is filled with “technical difficulties beyond our control.”  So how can you cope?

Take a few deep breaths to relax. Remind yourself of what you can control in the situation. Then seek the strength to change those things you can, accept those you can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference.