Making a space with community in mind

Allison Flynn •

Making a space with community in mind

The Rutherford County Library is already putting its new Makerspace to good use.

A MakerCamp, funded by Google, is being held each Monday for students ages 8 and older. During the three hour camp each week, campers will make various items using STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) principles. The first week of camp, students created a rocket launcher using bicycle tubing, an empty milk jug, tape and PVC pipe.

Beginning in September, the Makerspace will be open for all ages in the community. A Makerspace is a community-operated workshop for people with common interests to come together to meet, collaborate and socialize. Typically the space includes computers, machining, technology, science and digital or electronic art.

"Coming from a textile background in this community, we were looking for ways to offer a creative way for people to make things that could bring money into their household and also a way for students to use STEM knowledge," said April Young, director of Rutherford County Library.

Funding for the Makerspace came from a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the State Library. In sponsoring the MakerCamp, Google paid for materials and lesson plans used.

"There are small pockets of Makerspaces in North Carolina, but nationwide it's a huge movement," Young said. "We are the first library in Western North Carolina to open a Makerspace, and we're really excited. We hope that what it achieves is bringing people to the library."

Once open, the Makerspace will include tabletop looms, green screens for creating videos and LP and VCRs to digitize materials. Groups will be able to block time for using the space.

For more information on the Library's new Makerspace, call 828-287-6115.