New drug take back drop box at Lake Lure Police Department

Lake Lure Police Department

New drug take back drop box at Lake Lure Police Department

A new drug take back box is now located at the Lake Lure Police Department at 2950 Memorial Highway in Lake Lure. The box was placed in coordination with the United Way and Community Care of North Carolina. Residents are encouraged to use the box to help the environment rid itself of harmful chemicals in the water supply, which occurs when people flush or wash drugs down the sink when medications are no longer used or needed. It also helps to prevent the possibility of medications getting into the wrong hands and being ingested. Residents can access the box, located in the lobby, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All pills must be in bottles or blister packs. Bottles with liquid medications must be in sealed plastic food storage bags. For more information, call the Lake Lure Police Department at 828-625-4911.