Outdoor Truths

Outdoor Truths

Gary Miller
One of my favorite places to hunt from is the barn, especially on the cold and windy days. I have it set up perfectly. I have two square bales stacked on top of one another to rest my gun on, and I sit on a third bale. Because this set-up is in the loft of the barn, I have a great view of the fields below. There have been a few mornings that I have climbed up top only to be greeted by other occupants of the critter variety. I have never actually seen one but I have heard them quickly scamper toward the nearest exit. Most of the time, I am able to carry with me a cup of coffee and the morning newspaper which I read by flashlight. I read until there’s just enough sunlight to allow me to see with my binoculars across the fields.  As you can tell, it makes for a comfortable hunt. And it’s not just an easy place to go, but I have actually taken several deer from this gigantic tree stand.

It’s undoubtedly a luxury to hunt from such a place, but I can’t imagine a mother giving birth to a newborn baby in that same environment. And yet that is what I’m reminded of right now. I think of Mary and Joseph being relegated to the barn. I can imagine that Joseph may have felt guilty that he was not able to provide something better for his wife and soon-to-be mother. He must have gathered and stacked the hay in order to make the surroundings as comfortable as possible. He must have made sure the room was out of the wind and that it was as clean as could be expected. But, no matter how much he tried, it was still a barn.

Would God let His child be born in a barn? Not only would He, but He did. I wonder if that barn was still standing today, what it would be worth. There’s no doubt that some religious organization would give millions; not because of the worth of the barn itself, but because of the value of what happened inside. You see, what makes our life of value is not what’s on the outside, but it’s Who’s on the inside. And when God’s Son lives within us, we become of great value to God, ourselves, and the world.

Merry Christmas.