Outdoor Truths

by Gary Miller

 For instance, I have learned from years of experience that I am good at beginnings and not too good at endings. I am good at starting and not good at fi nishing. Now that doesn’t mean that every part of my life is that way because it’s not. I have been married for thirty years. I was employed in one position for over eighteen years and I’ve been writing this weekly column for almost nine. So I would think that these would count for me when it comes to staying power. But overall, I am the idea guy – the dreamer and starter, but also the one who gets bored really quick after the newness wears off. Because of all of this, I have always looked forward to new beginnings. I love the start of anything whether it is a new hunting season, a new week, or a new year. New means not used. It means never before. It means, well it means, new! And even though I’m not too good for used and even though sometimes used is better than new; I still like new because new means the beginning and I’m all about beginnings. Have you ever thought about the fact that God wants to give each of us a new life? Not a used one, or one that has been repaired or repossessed, but a new one. He is not interested in simply chipping off the bad parts and adding a few good qualities, instead He wants to make us into something that’s new. That is so neat to me. The Bible puts it this way. “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” You see, herein lies the difference between man and God. Man can make himself better. Only God can make him new.oortruths.org