Outdoor Truths

Outdoor Truths
 Many of my childhood memories involve the park that was just below my house. For years it sat mostly as just an abandoned piece of land. Part of it was our baseball field and the rest was simply stomping grounds.

 After a few years the city decided to spruce it up a bit. One of the nice additions was a basketball court that was perched on top of a hill. I remember running down that hill many times in order to fetch a stray pass or to retrieve the ball that had caught the corner of the concrete court and had ricocheted to the bottom. Needless to say, I spent many, many days in that park.

 Since it was only a short distance from my home, when it came time to come in, my mom or dad would simply open the door of our house and call for us to come home. They were not the only ones, however, that used this approach. All of my friend’s parents did the same. When a voice was heard calling, each one of us boys would have to listen carefully to figure out which parent was calling. We all learned to recognize each of our parent’s unique technique and tone.

 I can remember going back home when I was a young adult. We had gathered for a Thanksgiving or Christmas holiday and I had made my way down to the park that I had played at so many times before. It wasn’t too long until I heard a voice calling my name. Since I hadn’t heard the voice of my mother calling me in such a long time, I was unsure it was her. My doubt soon left as I focused in on her familiar sounds. But because I had not heard that voice in a while, at first I was unsure and slow to respond.

 Each one of us wants to hear from God concerning various things in our life. It may be concerning a decision or direction, but we really need to hear God speaking to us concerning our situation. If we have been in communication with Him already, we will more readily recognize His voice. If it has been a long time since you conversed with each other, the more likely you will have doubt and be slow to respond to His promptings.

 Are you familiar with the voice of God? If not, start spending time with Him now. It will not only bring you present satisfaction, but it will help you hear Him more clearly when you need Him most.

Gary Miller