Outdoor Truths

Outdoor Truths
I have to admit, I’m somewhat of a complainer. I really hope that I am being harder on myself than I need to be, but I know I do complain more than I should. I am thankful however that most of my complaining is to God. But nevertheless, I’m complaining.

 Have you ever complained in your hunting or fishing? I mean have you ever hunted the whole year without having any real success and as a result began to complain? I mean one morning while in a tree stand, you just start complaining to God and whoever’s listening that you have paid your dues this year and you have treated everybody with respect and you have tried to be a good person and you just ought to have a better outcome than you are having. And then you start reminding yourself about all of the other people that seem to have stumbled on success in the form of a 6 pound bass or a 12 point buck. Then last of all, you use the big “D” word – Deserve. You deserve better than what you are receiving. You deserve respect or success, or some recognition. Well, I have done that. I may have not said it that way, but inside and even privately; I have let myself wander to that disgusting place.  

 People who go there think they are special – that they are the only ones who have worked hard or the only ones who have sacrificed. Many claim a better intelligence or decision making skill, and thus their outcome ought to be better than the peasants with whom they associate.

 The truth is God is sovereign. That’s a big word that simply means that God does whatever He wants to do within His nature. In our illustration it means that God gives both good and bad things to whomever He wants without regard for someone’s pedigree. Yes, there are certain people who are gifted in areas than lend itself to success, but we also know of plenty of people who have that same giftedness but never get to use it. Why, you ask? Beat’s me. But it’s true. And it is that truth that ought to keep you and me from ever using the word “deserve” when it comes to something not agreed upon.

 For instance, if you work this week you deserve to get paid. There’s nothing wrong with that because that is what you and your boss agreed upon. But don’t think just because you are the top salesman month after month that all of a sudden that same boss needs to appreciate you more and perhaps even name a wing of the building after you. It may just be that God in His sovereignty has blessed someone even as unthankful and undeserving as you............ and me.