Outreach just for moms

Allison Flynn • allison@rutherfordweekly.com

Moms who attended Mom's Night Outreach at Florence Baptist Church recently had an opportunity to learn about fresh starts.

"As I was planning for this month's meeting, I thought about that it would be the first in the new year," said Patti McKeithan, who facilitates the meeting each month. "So, for our ice breaker, we are going to write our sins on a piece of paper, and then fold it and cut them into snowflakes."

The idea, she said, comes from the verse in Isaiah that says "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."

The monthly meeting for moms in the community will celebrate its one year anniversary in March. The idea was brought to the church by Anna Harrill, who McKeithan said had experienced something similar in another area.

"In Asheville, there were Mommy Mondays. We put our own take on that - we have ours at night and added a meal," McKeithan said. The meeting started with four moms, and has grown to include more than 30 at times.

The purpose of the meeting is for moms to have an opportunity to connect with one another.

"As a mom, you sometimes feel like you're alone," McKeithan said. "Mom's Night Outreach let's others know you're not in this alone, and it gives moms a chance to encourage each other."

Each meeting includes a meal, which moms and their children eat together. Then, children are provided with activities for them while moms take part in their own. Child care is offered at no cost.

Mom's Night Outreach is a ministry of the church. Various Sunday School classes help each month by providing child care or the meal. Those in attendance come from other churches and the community, McKeithan said.

Tanya Brookman typically attends each month, and looks forward to the chance to bond with other moms.

"I like that it's a place where I don't have the kids, and I can have mama fellowship without looking over my shoulder to check on them," she said. "You will laugh and cry when you come. We have a speaker each month, and I always relate their story. It's a fun time with friends and spiritually."

Portia Allen attends with her daughter, Jordan Walker, and said the monthly meeting has touched her heart.

"It's just such a blessing," Allen said.

Mom's Night Outreach is held the third Monday of each month (no meeting is scheduled in February) at 5:30 in the church's family life center. For more information, contact McKeithan at mno15fbc@yahoo.com.