Peaches Donated To Sheriff’s Office

Peaches Donated To Sheriff’s Office
   Mr. Larry Crowe owner of Crowe’s Peach Shed on Highway 221 South donated peaches to be given to participants of the Rutherford County Sheriff Office, ARE-U–OKAY Program.  Mr. Crowe stated “I have been doing this for over 16 years and this is one way I can give back to the community.”  Mr. Crowe donated enough peaches that some were also given to the Rutherford County Senior Center and the Grace of God Rescue Mission.  The ARE-U-OKAY Program is a free service offered by the Rutherford County Sheriff Office to citizens of Rutherford County who may live alone and need someone to check on them every day.  For more information on the ARE-U-OKAY Program, contact Lt. Leon Godlock 828-287-6395.