Playwright Moss has 7th play published

Jean Gordon

Playwright Moss has 7th play published

Chase High School principal Kevin Bradley and J. Patrick Moss.

Chase High School Theater Director, J. Patrick Moss, was notified on Monday, March 14 that Big Dog publishing would be securing the rights to publish his newest play "Boss Battle" (formerly "Boss Fight")

Big Dog publishing has published seven of the 12 original plays that Moss has penned, starting with "Beautiful Crazy" in 2010. Moss' plays have been performed all across the United States, from California to Florida, Colorado to Pennsylvania, and has even had a few theaters in Canada produce his works.

"I've been especially fortunate in that Dawn Remsing, my editor at Big Dog, likes my brand of humor. It has afforded my troupe the opportunity to world premier original published works. That's something that most high school drama departments cannot boast. I'm also very fortunate to have an incredibly supportive administration. Mr. (Kevin) Bradley (Chase High Principal) encourages our program and allows my students and I to exercise creative freedom in writing and performing these plays."

Bradley provided the official witness signature as he has on all works published by Moss during Bradley's tenure as head administrator. "While our goal at CHASE is to provide students with as many opportunities as possible that develop their skills in leadership, athletic, academic, and fine arts; our ultimate goal is to set the Gold Standard in whatever opportunity we offer. Mr. Moss has always poured his heart and soul into his students and his craft. It's an honor to see him recognized for his writing skills, and we are excited for him to have yet another one of his original plays published. Our Theater Troupe always does an excellent job presenting the plays on stage, and it is a joy to watch his productions come to life."

Moss has been active in the theater since he first appeared on stage in 1986 in the Rutherford County Arts Council production of J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit".

"Matthew McEnnerney (former Director of the RCAC) really fostered my love of acting and the theater. His passing this past January was felt deeply in the Rutherford Arts community. I will be dedicating this play to his memory."