Red & black instead of Tar Heel blue that senior Haley Newton is sporting this fall

Allison Flynn •

Red & black instead of Tar Heel blue that senior Haley Newton is sporting this fall

Newton, who was on the volleyball and track teams as well as being a member of HOSA and Beta and Student Council President, received the Goodnight Scholarship at N.C. State University. The Goodnight Scholars Program is a comprehensive student development program designed to develop scholars into leaders within the STEM and/or education fields.

"I plan to be a chemistry or biology major and pursue a pharmacy degree," Newton said.

Newton's interest in a pharmacy degree began in sixth grade, she said, when she had to do research on a career that matched her interests. Her senior project on the impact of prescription drug abuse cemented her desire to become a pharmacist.

"I was surprised by the impacts on loved ones, not just the abuser," she said. "Especially the financial impacts. I think, too, that going into college I might find myself in a situation where folks might abuse drugs. I have a background to say not but also educate others as well."

Newton has spent her senior year celebrating "lasts" and trying to make as many memories as possible.

"I think you should savor every moment," she said, when asked what advice she might give to those entering their senior year. "I never believed it would fly by. I read something I believe to be true - don't count the days you have left, but make the days you have left count."

Newton, who is the daughter of Russ and Penny Newton, plans to work this summer to save money for school and visit the beach a few times. She will also work at a camp her church holds each summer.

RS Central High School's graduation is planned for Friday, June 10, at 8 p.m.