ROC Rail Trail Clean-up

Dana Bradley

ROC Rail Trail Clean-up

Members of Alpha 828 Ruck Club getting ready to start their clean-up

Members of Rutherford Outdoor Coalition (ROC) and members of the Alpha 828 Ruck Club came together to clean the Thermal Belt Rail Trail and roadside areas along the way as part of the Keep Rutherford County Beautiful County-Wide Litter Sweep last weekend.

Over 40 bags of trash were collected and the trail looks great. ROC will host another clean-up on the Rail Trail in the Fall. Glass and other sharp objects can present a danger to those walking or riding their bicycle the trails and we want people to be able to enjoy our local trails without having to worry about that. We hope that over time, the need for these clean-ups will become less as people become more aware of the damage trash causes the environment.

I have noticed some trail users carrying a small trash bag with them as they walk the trail and pick up trash they find along the way. This has a bigger impact than they realize and I hope more people start to do this.

If you are interested in participating in the Fall clean-up on the Rail Trail or any of our other trail workdays, email us at or call 828-351-3235.