Rutherford Regional Health System

Rutherford Regional Health System

Rutherford Regional Health Foundation is the recipient of a $12,500 grant from Eaton Charitable Fund. Funding from the grant will benefit the Cancer Resource Fund.

Rutherford Regional Health Foundation has been awarded a grant in the amount of $12,500 from the Eaton Charitable Fund. 

Funding from the grant will benefit the Cancer Resource Fund, which was established in October 2011 to provide financial assistance to patients who are undergoing cancer treatments. 

“Through the Cancer Resource Center and Patient Navigator Program, we see patients in need every day,” said Jamie Ingraham, Cancer Outreach program manager. “It is heartbreaking when a cancer patient misses a treatment or does not have the medications they need due to financial concerns.” 

In the short time the CRC Fund has been in existence, it has been used to prevent the shut off of water and electrical services, helped a patient make a mortgage payment, prevented the loss of medical insurance and provided gas money to numerous patients, enabling them to attend daily radiation treatments. 

The Eaton Charitable Fund is dedicated to supporting programs that improve the quality of life in communities where the company operates. The Fund gives primary consideration to requests for programs located in an Eaton community, recommended by an Eaton manager and where Eaton employees demonstrate leadership involvement. Programs selected for funding will have clearly defined objectives, measurable end results and provide a positive return on investment. 

“We are pleased to have Eaton Corporation as one of our primary Corporate Honor Roll members again this year,” said Jill Miracle, executive director of Rutherford Regional Health Foundation. Eaton will be recognized at all Foundation events for the next 12 months, including the upcoming golf tournament and the 2013 Women Together. 

Doug Novack, plant manager of Eaton Corporation in Forest City, said Rutherford Regional Health Foundation was one of several worthy organizations who sought funding this year. 

“Rutherford Regional Health Foundation was chosen in large part because of the number of cancer survivors we have in our plant,” Novack said. “We had another employee diagnosed last July who has since made a full recovery. This was a good way for us to support the good work of the Foundation in our community.” 

“It is especially meaningful to us that the local employees at Eaton had a voice in making the decision,” Miracle added. “Every year, more and more people in our community are touched by cancer. The Cancer Resource Fund hits very close to home for many of us, and the fund makes an immediate difference in local lives.” 

For more information on the Cancer Resource Fund, or to make a donation to the fund, please call 828-286-5070 or e-mail Resource Center; and Lori Ray, human resources manager at Eaton Corporation in Forest City.