Soup kitchen has been providing for those who are hungry since 2000

Allison Flynn •

Soup kitchen has been providing for those who are hungry since 2000

New Beginning Soup Kitchen served around 23,000 meals in 2015. The non-profit that operates under the umbrella of the Green River Baptist Association is on track to serve just as many this year.

"Each week we serve anywhere from 450 meals and up," said Steve Ruppe, a member of the organization's board.

New Beginning began in 2000, Ruppe explained, after several people who started it had been going out of the state for mission work.

"We were going to West Virginia to help every few months," he said. "But after NAFTA and the decline of our area textiles, we decided we needed to do something right here at home."

The first week they served a meal, there were seven people. That number has steadily increased. And while the need in the community has remained great, the giving spirit of the community who helps New Beginning has remained even greater.

"We are supported by private donations and four churches - Piney Knob, Mount Vernon, West Point Baptist and Spencer," Ruppe said. "People from those churches come and cook, and we have others who come and volunteer."

Volunteers are always needed and welcomed, Ruppe added. Tasks can include something like washing dishes or mopping floors to putting together the take out boxes of meals.

Serving a large group is a task volunteers take seriously, Ruppe continued, as do those in charge. Meals vary each week, and are planned around what items are on sale.

"We make the most of our money," he said. "If we have any extra vegetables each week we will freeze those to later have vegetable beef soup."

Those who come to receive food may do so with no questions asked - except for their name, address, phone number and the names of any others in their home who are being helped. No questions about need are asked, Ruppe said.

"If you tell us you're hungry, we'll feed you."

New Beginning Soup Kitchen serves food each Thursday from 4:30 to 6 p.m. A Thanksgiving meal will be offered on Wednesday, Nov. 23; a Christmas meal will be offered on regular schedule.

For more information on volunteering or donating to the organization, call the Green River Baptist Association at 828-286-9278.