Take A Facebook Tour With Us...

M.A. Andrews

Take A Facebook Tour With Us...

NCDC Operations Manager, George Henry, together with Lieutenant Governor Walter Dalton and Governor Bev Perdue looking, on begins the informative media tour of facebooks Building #1.

Take A Facebook Tour With Us... A World Within Our World!

   Building #1 of facebook has been completed and we were given a media tour which I’d like to share with you. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina headed the media delegation on the facebook campus in Forest City. NCDC Operations Manager. George Henry, headed the tour of the new two story building which has four foot flooring and very high ceilings. An important announcement preceded the media occasion. Construction will immediately begin on a second 105,000 square foot building on the Rutherford County campus. First it was just one building, now it is two! Today, I’m taking you on the tour and sharing it with you.

   To simplify what Building #1 is all about, think of a world where the weather is completely controlled. To maximize the efficiency of this state of the art and pace setting facility, facebook designed, developed, and manufactured and holds the patents for this futuristic data center design. The amazing and mind boggling thing about this is that facebook is releasing all the patents for public use. This translates to a great benefit to you because now the public will be able to also “take a tour”!

   Tours will have to be requested by groups in advance and approved. Operations Manager, George Henry, is committed to an amazing personal goal. It is almost unbelievable! He said that “I want every sixth grader, every year, in Rutherford County to have access to and tour our facility!” This in itself is a most gracious plan and the emerging future men and women of Rutherford County will be given an insight that other students outside of Rutherford can only crave. This gesture embodies the facebook philosophy of being the ultimate “people to people organization”!  The new facilities in Rutherford County emerges as a monument to “genuine concern and a successful company giving back!”

   Let’s return to the tour. Building # l and soon Building # 2 are the maximum LEED Certified eco friendly facility. The new Building # 2 will also further contribute to the economy of Rutherford County. With just the one building complete, even with the incentives given to facebook, the company presently is in the top ten financial contributors for the county. The local maintenance of the plant will continue to create inside and outside jobs. When fully up and running, Building # 1 will serve 30% of facebook customers and 850 million facebook users.

   Within the building there are four rooms that are 1,000 foot long. With the completon of Building # 2 the Rutherford County data center could end up serving over half of facebooks’ users. The last building employed 1500 people.  With the addition of the new facility, there will be 2300 people working. It just gets better. The commitment and working force of the facebook project is well beyond our original expectations.

   Most importantly, with the continued investment in Rutherford County and its’ people, facebook sets the pace for a revitalized and new Rutherford County. For that, we must proudly say that’s an answer to our prayers!

   To facebook, we thank you for believing in us. Let the progress and revitalization continue!