Tornado Fundraiser In Ellenboro!

Tornado Fundraiser In Ellenboro!

“The Far City Boys” sing out and lend their talents at the Tornado Fund Raiser on stage at Ellenboro Elementary School. Left to right: Chevy Watkins, Mike Street, Kevin Street, Little Luke Street and Roger Holland. Not shown, William Sisk.
    Once again, the community comes together. This time it was a fund raiser for the recent tornado victims in Rutherford County, namely Ellenboro. The event was held on Saturday evening, February 18, at the Ellenboro Elementary School. Hot dogs, hamburgers and a bake sale took place in the cafeteria. Raffle tickets and a silent auction also contributed to the cause. The “Far City Boys” headed up a group of entertainers who donated their talents to make the event even more special. Neighbors came to help out the neighbors who lost most everything in the recent tornados. It was just another example of what the folks in Rutherford County do all the time - come together when there is a time of need!

    The event which was put together by Andrew Tisdale, raised a little over $3,000. Everything was donated and all proceeds will go to the Piney Mountain Relief Fund. If you were not able to attend but would like to help, you can go to any BB&T and give cash or write a check. Just inform the bank that you want your contribution to go to the Piney Mountain Relief Fund.

    It’s that easy!