Walking in a winter wonderland

Allison Flynn • allison@rutherfordweekly.com

Walking in a winter wonderland

The kindergarten through second grades hallway at Forrest Hunt Elementary has been transformed into a Winter Wonderland through the holidays and into January. The teachers have decorated the hallway for the past few years with a Christmas theme, but this year decided they wanted it to be magical even after the holidays. “We want the children to feel the magic when they walk through the halls at Forrest Hunt,” said Jill Price, a kindergarten teacher. “It’s kind of like the feeling you get when you go down Main Street Forest City and see all the lights. It’s magical.” There are 23 strings of lights lining the halls as well as snowflakes hanging from the ceilings and winter themed door decorations and bulletin boards. The hallway will be transformed again in February to celebrate Valentine’s Day.