Women Build observed; Habitat restores now closed

Women Build observed; Habitat restores now closed

International Women Build Week was observed by Habitat for Humanity recently. Rutherford County Habitat joined Lowe's and thousands of women volunteers in 235 communities across the US, Canada and India to highlight the need for safe and affordable housing.

Since the Women Build, Habitat for Humanity in Rutherford County, in an effort to keep a safe and healthy place for employees, volunteers and customers, both Habitat ReStores are closed due to the COVID-19 virus.

As a result, donations cannot be accepted at this time. In addition, all volunteer activities have been suspended on construction sites. This will remain in effect until further notice.

For now, the office will remain open. Call the office at 828-248-3178 if necessary to talk with a staff ember with us rather than coming into the office.