When you have to say goodbye to a personal pet, usually only the immediate family members are affected, but when you are faced with the soul crushing decision to put down a public servant K9, your personal family isn't only losing him, the entire community is. Recently Corporal Jordan "Jordy" Ray had to make this decision. After a long 5 month battle, he made the decision to give his K9 officer the kindest parting he could offer him, allow him to finally rest. Officer Rocky was a sworn active duty K9 deputy of the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office, in Rutherford County. He faithfully served the community for over 8 years and spent the last 6 years with Corporal Jordan "Jordy" Ray as his partner. Without the support of the department, individuals, and the veterinarian staff, Rocky would not have gotten the opportunity to say goodbye.
Rest easy, K9 Officer Rocky, your brothers and sisters have it from here. E.O.W: 5/15/2020