Helping Hands Food Pantry
Helping those in need of food in Rutherford County. Call for schedule of give away 828-287-2207. Operated through prayer, volunteers & donations. 225 West Main St. Spindale, NC.
Stainless Ministries
Food Distribution every Monday from 9am-1pm at the Old Dunbar Community Center.
The Military Order of Purple Heart
Is starting a chapter in the Forest City, NC area and is seeking all veterans of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard who has been combat wounded in America’s wars and have received the Purple Heart medal. For info or to join, write or call Peter Meletis; 1007 Briarcliff Rd., Mooresville, NC 28115, 704-664-7766 or write Bailey Gillespie; POB 365 Spindale, NC 28160.
Farmers Market-Columbus, NC.
Now Open! 8am-12pm at the Courthouse Square. Veggies, Breads, Meat & Eggs, Crafts. Keep It Local!
Substance Abuse Meeting
Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm at Empowerment Center, First St. Forest City.
Relay for Life Book Sale
Held at Rutherford EMC; 186 Hudlow Rd., Forest City. Mon.-Fri., 8am-5pm. Hardbacks are $2. Paperbacks $1. Proceeds benefit the Rutherford County Relay for Life. Sale will continue until the books are sold.
Rutherfordton 225th Anniversary Celebration
Rutherford County’s county seat, the education subcommittee is looking for pictures &/or info regarding any schools that have existed in Rutherford County, particularly the earliest schools. If you have info or pictures, contact Phillip 828-657-6139 or Robin: or 828-305-8666.
Talent Show
S.D.O Volunteer Fire Dept. is hosting a talent show at Bethany Baptist Church Aug. 18. For sign up & info, call Heather 828-447-0537. Open to everyone.
Bill’s Creek VFD Fundraiser
Antique Tractor & Engine Show May 11 & 12, 7am until. 104 Landmark Dr., Bills Creek Rd. Lake Lure. Breakfast, hotdogs & hamburgers. Trophies awarded May 12, 3pm.
ICC Classes In May
•Intro to Quickbooks •Notary Public •NC Concealed Carry Handgun Certification •Yoga To register, or for info call the Continuing Education Dept. at 828-286-3636 ext. 346, or visit
Blood Drives
•Fri. May 11, 10am-2:30pm @ Lowe’s Forest City. Call Ashley Loaces at 828-351-1023 for appt. •Mon. May 14, 1pm-5:30pm @ American Red Cross Forest City. Call Eric 828-989-3126 for appt. •Wed. May 16, 12pm-5pm @ Rutherford Regional Health Systems. Call Ginger 828-286-5338 for appt. •Wed. May 23, 3pm-7:30pm @ Concord Baptist Church (Bostic) Call Kim 828-245-6130 for appt. •Sat. May 26, 7:30am-12pm @ Cliffside Masonic Lodge. Call Wayne Millis at 828-429-0212 for appt.
Hopewell-Hollis Ruritan
Bake Sale Sat. May 12, 9am until at Needmore Store in Ellenboro. Proceeds for Ruritan Club.
ALL DAY benefit concert to help raise money for Tornado Relief. Sat. May 12 @ Golden Valley Music Park. TwistFest was created to help raise money for those affected as well as create a great community event to interact with friends & neighbors. Live music from 6 local bands, silent auction & food. Camping area for anyone that wants to stay over night! ALL funds raised will go toward Tornado Relief and “Keep’em Cool” Project of Rutherford Co. Visit:
Rutherford County Chapter of the NAACP
Meeting at Wells Springs United Methodist Church, Forest City on Thurs. May 17. 6pm. All are invited to attend. The Chapter meets every 3rd Thursday of each month.
Fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children Hospital
The Anchor Club is having their 2nd Annual Talent Show at East Rutherford High School Thurs. May 17, 6:30pm. Michael Jackson dance enthusiast and tribute artist, “MJ” Milam, will be performing.
Spindale Goat Festival May 18 & 19
Festival opens Fri. May 18th, 3pm-10pm. Main Street Goat Parade at 7pm, music, fun, vendors, drum circle & fire from 8:30-10pm. Sat. May 19th, 9am-6pm enjoy the ADGA Dairy Goat Show, Goat cheese, Goat milk ice cream, LOTS of music, Jack Roper’s Comedy Magic Show, entertainment, Bee Club Demos, dancing, water play and the Spindale Splatter!
Golden Nights
Street music, shops open and other activities in downtown Rutherfordton the third Friday of the month starting Fri. May 18, 6-9pm. Sponsored by RTR.
Pilot Club - Lights of Love
The Pilot Club of Rutherford County will present Lights of Love around the lake at ICC on Sat. May 19, beginning at dusk. Individualized luminaries may be purchased from any Pilot Club member for $2 in Honor or Memory of a family member, friend, team, graduate, anniversary, new baby, etc. Info or to order, phone Donna Ohmstead 828-429-0258.
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Sat. May 19, 4pm-7:30pm at Bill’s Creek Community Center for Linda Powell to help defray medical cost. Info: 828-625-551.
VFW Post 5204 Membership Drive
Any military person who served overseas during a war, any wife, son or daughter is also welcome to join. Anyone interested in joining please come to our next meeting Tues. May 22, 6PM. You may also come to our bingo on any Thursday night starting at 6PM and talk to the Commander Larry Greene or any VFW member. We would like to see everyone come, young and old, and join a great organization. Located on Withrow Rd., Forest City.
Yokefellow Service Center, Spindale
Store wide half-price sale & Home School Curriculum sale now thru Sat. May 12. 10am-5pm. All curriculum & teaching materials are half-price. Sale includes curriculum, teaching aids, workbooks, educational toys & more for teachers, parents & anyone working with any age student to enhance learning.
Taking Steps to Cure Cystic Fibrosis
Great Strides 2012 - Sat. May 26th at Isothermal Community College. Check in 9am, walk starts at 10am. Form a team and walk to support and honor the children and young adults who have lost their battle and those who continue to fight cystic fibrosis. Info:
Are You Ok Phone Reassurance Program
Designed to check on senior citizens & help them & their family have peace of mind. Program provides a knowledge that someone cares and will check on them daily. No cost for this program. Contact Lt. Godlock 828-287-6395, Rutherford Co. Sheriff Office.
Crime Stoppers of Rutherford County
Is a program established for the purpose of obtaining information about criminal activity & fugitive felons. Have information about a crime? Report is anonymously. You do not have to reveal your name. Your information could get you a cash reward. Crime Stoppers 828-286-8477.
Bingo at the VFW
Every Thursday night at 6PM. Refreshments & food are available for purchase. The top prize for the last game is $500. Proceeds from bingo benefit veterans in the surrounding communities. Located on Withrow Road. Forest City.
Stop Smoking Now
Free stop smoking classes are offered at Rutherford Regional Cancer Resource Center on Monday evenings from 4-5pm. For more info or to register; 828-245-4596.
The American Legion Post 423
We now have a charter for “Sons of American Legion”! Meets 1st Monday of every month at the Legion Building located on Boss Moore Rd., Caroleen. Supper at 6pm, meeting at 7pm. Info: Johnny Lowery 828-657-6145.
Gilkey Chain Gang
Meets Saturdays from 2-3:30pm at Gilkey School Community Center (this is the old Gilkey Elementary School)If you love to crochet, or love to knit, or you want to learn. All ages are welcome. Free. Bring a crochet hook or knitting needles and yarn. Info 828-289-2563.