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Community News 02-01-2018

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We are in desperate need of good volunteers! We need helpers in our Donation Processing Center, Thrift Store, Mobile Food Truck and 3 Food Pantries. We also need volunteers willing to haul wood to us. We have the donated wood cut, we just need volunteers willing to haul it to us. We have around a dozen families in need of this firewood. To volunteer call Chase Corner Ministries, 828-247-0096. 1604 Chase High Rd., City, Forest City.

Low Cost Spay and Neuters: You can afford to have your pet spayed or neutered with our low cost program. Community Pet Center, 828-287-7738.

Rutherford County Humane Society Thrift Shop: Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Gifts, home goods & furniture. We accept donations of food & bedding supplies for dogs & cats waiting to be adopted. Donations tax deductible. 305 Buffalo Creek Rd., Lake Lure. If interested in volunteering, Cathe Frierman, 828-625-9946.

Washburn Community Outreach Center Thrift Store: Stocked with Fall/Winter clothing. Valentine's merchandise & toys 50% off, clothing items only $1. Thurs.-Sat., Feb. 1-3, 9am-2pm. Food pantry available for Rutherford County residents, 9:30am-1:30pm. 2934 Piney Mountain Ch Rd, Bostic. 828-245-5603.

Rutherford County Library: National Take Your Child to the Library Day, Fri. Feb. 2, 10am-3pm. A free craft will be available to work on and a prize will be given to each child who comes to the library. Call 828-287-6116 for info.

Union Mills Learning Center: Singing, Fri. Feb. 2, 7pm. Featuring: Round Up. Poor Man's Supper at 6pm, cost $5. 6495 Hudlow Rd, Union Mills.

Haynes Branch Library: Join Erika and Susan to make Handmade Valentine's Day Cards, Mon. Feb. 5, 4pm. This free activity is open to anyone. No registration required. Call 828-288-4039 for more info.

Fund-Raising Spaghetti Supper: Thurs. Feb. 8, 5:30-6:45pm. R-S Central High, 641 Hwy 221N, Rutherfordton. Fund-raiser for Rutherford Housing Partnership, a local nonprofit that provides urgently needed repairs to the homes of qualified low-income homeowners. Suggested donation, $7. Supper precedes the Kingdom Heirs, a Dollywood favorite Southern Gospel group from eastern TN). Sponsor: Carolina Gospel Assn.

Country Ham & Chicken Pie Supper Fund Raiser: Sat. Feb. 10, 4:30-6:30pm. Adults $9, kids 6-12 $5, under 5 free. Mt. Vernon Community Clubhouse; Forest City.

Blood Drive: Tues. Feb. 13, 8am-12pm at RS Central High School; 641 US 221 Rutherfordton. Donate blood with Community Blood Center of the Carolinas. Call 1-888-59-BLOOD or visit www.cbcc.us to make an appointment.

Paws of Rutherford County: FREE SPAY/NEUTER for all Rutherford County Pitt Bulls & Pitt mixes, Tues. Feb. 6 & 20. Due to the high euthanasia rate of Pitt Bulls in our Animal Control Facility. Cats $25, all other dogs $35. $10 rabies vaccine. In desperate need of fosters. Free pet food & dog houses for those in need. If you have any dog houses you would like to donate call 888-422-7303, leave message.

Alcoholics Anonymous: Weekly meetings: Monday 7pm women's meeting, Thursday 7pm open meeting. 1st Presbyterian Church; 438 West Main St., Forest City.

New AA Meeting: Sundays, 11:30am. Rectory of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Bat Cave.

Crime Stoppers of Rutherford County: Established for the purpose of obtaining info about criminal activity & fugitive felons. Have information about a crime? You do not have to reveal your name. Info could get you a cash reward. Crime Stoppers, 828-286-8477.

Grace of God Rescue Mission Needed Items: Sectional plates, bowls, plastic forks & spoons, cups, napkins, paper towels, gallon canned foods, personal hygiene items, coffee, sugar & cleaning items. 828-245-9141.

Chase Corner Ministries Needs: plastic grocery bags, canned meat, vegetables and fruits, spaghetti & sauce, soups & crackers, rice, dried beans, mac-n-cheese, spaghetti o's, toiletry items, and volunteers. Open M-F, 8:30am-2:30pm. 1604 Chase High Rd., Forest City. 828-247-0096.

Advanced Care Planning: Sessions consist of a private consult to understand the purpose and use of living wills and health care powers of attorney. Free Sessions. Call Joey Revis at Hospice of Rutherford County 828-245-0095 to schedule an appt.

Are You Ok Phone Reassurance Program: Designed to check on senior citizens & help them & their family have peace of mind. Program provides a knowledge that someone cares and will check on them daily. No cost for this program. Contact Lt. Godlock, 828-287-6395. Rutherford Co. Sheriff Office.

Al-A-Non Family Groups: Patience AFG: Mondays, 7pm at Rutherford UMC. 828-288-2767. Lake Lure AFG; Tuesdays, 7:30pm at Mountains Branch Library. 828-748-8583. www.al-anon.alateen.org

Support Group: Parents as Leaders (PALS) a parent & family support group of pre-school aged kids, meets weekly to discuss issues, concerns & the joys of raising kids. 828-286-3901.

Alzheimer's/Dementia Support Group: Meeting last Thursday monthly 4pm at Willow Ridge Rehab; 237 Tryon Rd., Rutherfordton. 828-286-7200.

HOPE Grief Support Group: Free support group for any adult who has lost a loved one. Offered at Hospice Annette Cash Whitaker Center of Living, 374 Hudlow Rd, Forest City. 828-245-0095.

GWRRA NC CHAPTER NC P-2: Meets monthly 2nd Tuesday at The Shak in Forest City. Meal 6:30pm, meeting 7:30pm. Anyone interested in motorcycles is welcome, no matter the brand. Charlie Cook, 828-248-2754.

Grahamtown Community Center: Blessed are those who serve. The GTeam will be serving bags of food to those in need, every 2nd & 4th Thursday beginning at 4pm. First come, first serve. 129 First Street, Forest City. 828-229-3380.

Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregivers Support Group: Every 3rd Tuesday of each month, 6:30pm. Perry Moore House; Main St., Rutherfordton. 828-287-5475.

Isothermal Amateur Radio Club: Monthly meeting every 3rd Tuesday, 7pm at the County Annex Building on Main St., Rutherfordton. Don Whisnant, 828-453-1698 or Bob Cooley, 828-429-2924.

Sons of Confederate Veterans: Lt. William Corbitt Camp 525 invites you to visit with us every 3rd Friday at the County Annex Bldg., 289 N. Main St., Rutherfordton to learn the truth about the Civil War and the Confederacy. Over 2000 men voluntarily left their homes here in Rutherford County to sign up and fight. Meet at 6:30pm for refreshments and 7pm for the meeting. For more details Contact Commander C.L. Lovelace at 828-305-8654 or Adjutant G.W. Harwood at 828-287-3412.

American Legion Post #74: Meetings on 4th Tuesday of each month; 2501 US 64/74A Hwy. Rutherfordton. Dinner at 6pm, meeting to follow. Also, Bingo every Thursday, doors open 6pm. Food available. Chuck Brooks, Commander, 828-287-1294.

DAV, Chapter #25: Welcomes all veterans to attend our monthly meetings held the 2nd Monday of each month. Potluck Dinner is provided 6pm, meeting at 7pm. 828-288-1595. National Guard Armory; Withrow Rd, Forest City.

Veterans Meal: 3rd Tuesday of each month, 5pm. Willow Ridge Rehab; 237 Tryon Rd., Rutherfordton. 828-286-7200.

NAMI South Mountains NC (National Alliance on Mental Illness) •Tuesdays 6pm. Family Support Group and Connections Group. •Grief Recovery Group •Creative Expressions Group. Visit: namirutherfordclevelandburke.org for other events/classes or our Facebook page NAMI Rutherford-Cleveland. 828-771-6305. 124 S. Powell Street, Suite D, Forest City.

PAWS of Rutherford County: Bringing No-Kill to Rutherford County. Low Cost Spay/Neuter, Pet Re-Homing, Pet Food Pantry. Help us save lives by becoming a foster. (PAWS) Pets Are Worth Saving! Toll free, 1-888-422-7303. Email: pawsofrc@gmail.com or Donate at: www.pawsrc.org

Build It Club: Every Tuesday 3:30-4:30pm. All School-aged children invited. Tons of fun! Haynes Branch Library; 2669 US Hwy. 221A, Mooresboro. 828-288-4039.

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