Pink Ladies Support Group: 1st Monday of each month from 5pm to 6:30pm at Rutherford Regional's Cancer Resource Center; for women who have been diagnosed with cancer. 828-245-4596.
Sons of Confederate Veterans
The Polk Volunteers Camp # 919 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans invites you to meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month, and we love to have visitors. Membership is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces. For more info or questions e-mail James McGuin:
Rutherford Family Support Group: Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6pm. Crawford Building; Rutherford Regional. Info: 2-1-1, ask A/B Group.
Grahamtown Community Center
Blessed are those who serve. The GTeam will be serving bags of food to those in need, every 2nd & 4th Thursday beginning at 4pm. First come, First serve. 129 First Street, Forest City. 828-229-3380.
Mountains Branch Library
Will host "Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!" on Thurs. March 2, 3:30pm. We'll enjoy stories, crafts and even have some Green Eggs. Located in Lake Lure.
Community Meetings
The regular monthly meeting of the Rutherford County Democratic Women, Thurs., March 2, 7pm at 142 W. Main St., Forest City. The Democratic Party annual meeting for Precinct 09A, Danieltown-Sulpher Springs, Sat. March 4, 1pm at the SDO Fire Station; 115 Toms Lake Rd.
Washburn Community Outreach Center
½ price sale this week on ALL clothing items. Our Thrift Store will be open Thur.-Sat., March 2-4, 9am-2pm. Our food pantry will be available for Rutherford County residents from 9:30am-1:30pm. 2934 Piney Mountain Church Rd, Bostic. 828-245-5603.
Country Ham & Chicken Pie Supper
Sat. March 11, 4:30-6:30pm at Mt. Vernon Community Clubhouse, located across from Mt. Vernon Ruth School on Hudlow Road. Adults $9, kids 6-12 $5, kids 5 and under free. Fund raiser for Clubhouse.
Buffet Breakfast
The Gilkey School Community Center March 11, 7am-10am. Adults $6, kids 6-12 $3, kids 5 and under Free. Proceeds goes to help Support the Community Center. 217 Gilkey School Road, Rutherfordton.
Friends of Agriculture Breakfast
Wed. March 15. Breakfast features a speaker on areas of interest to our community of farmers, gardeners, and food enthusiasts. This month will feature a presentation from Alex Arnold, Project Coordinator with Mountain Valleys Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Council. Arnold will discuss the Energy Cost-Share Assistance Program & funding available for farm and small business energy projects. Don't forget our community members in need! Donations of canned foods will be collected at this event to benefit the clients of Thermal Belt Outreach Ministries. This is a free event held at the 4-H Building, 135 Locust St., Columbus, NC.
Grace of God Rescue Mission needed items: Sectional plates, bowls, plastic forks & spoons, cups, napkins, paper towels, gallon canned foods, personal hygiene items, coffee, sugar & cleaning items. 828-245-9141.
American Cancer Society:
Relay for Life Survivor Dinner, March 16, 6pm at Florence Baptist Church, RSVP by March 10 to Tracy at 828-691-0474. Rutherford County Relay for Life 2017, April 1, 4pm-10pm at Charles Summey Park. For more info contact Caroline at
Bill's Creek Fire Dept. Benefit: St. Patrick's Day Supper, Sat. March 25, 4pm. Corned-Beef Dinner with all the fixing. Adults $10, kids age 4-12 $5. Carry-out available. Info, 828-625-5517.
Paws of Rutherford County
Two Low Cost Spay/Neuter Transports, Tues. March. 14 & 28. Pits & Pit mixes fixed for FREE as long as funds are available! Other breed dogs: $35 & cats: $25. For Veterans or those on Public Assistance, call us for other financial options. Rabies vaccine: additional $10. It is mandatory that your pet be updated on all basic core vaccines one week before transport or they will be ineligible to go. Call 888-422-7303, select option 2, leave your name/number, and a volunteer will return your call to schedule your pet. Thank you for being a responsible pet owner. Hospice In Need of Items: Trash bags, laundry detergent, cleaning products dish detergent, Lysol spray, liquid hand soap, paper towels, Kleenex tissue, toilet tissue, etc. Info: 828-245-0095.
Lighthouse Haven Men's Homeless Shelter
Needed Items: Cups, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, sugar, creamer, coffee, cleaning items, personal hygiene items, canned food. 199 W. Main St., Spindale. 828-755-5986.
Sisters In Christ Ministry
In Need of: volunteers, latex gloves, hand sanitizer, donations, meats, paper products, personal hygiene, baby items, laundry detergents, cleaning supplies, clothes, socks, linens, pillows, firewood, handyman. 828-395-0705. 514 East Main St., Spindale.
Chase Corner Ministries
Needs: Canned meat, fruit, and veggies, spaghetti & sauce, soup & crackers, rice and dried beans, and toiletry needs such as: toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and laundry detergent.
Are You Ok Phone Reassurance Program: Designed to check on senior citizens & help them & their family have peace of mind. Program provides a knowledge that someone cares and will check on them daily. No cost for this program. Contact Lt. Godlock, 828-287-6395. Rutherford Co. Sheriff Office.
Crime Stoppers of Rutherford County: Program established for the purpose of obtaining info about criminal activity & fugitive felons. Have information about a crime? Report is anonymously. You do not have to reveal your name. Your info could get you a cash reward. Crime Stoppers, 828-286-8477.
Alcoholics Anonymous: Weekly meetings: Monday 7pm women's meeting, Thursday 7pm open meeting. 1st Presbyterian Church; 438 West Main St., Forest City. Providing support for recovery for 80 years!
Al-A-Non Family Groups
Patience AFG: Mondays, 7pm at Rutherford UMC. 828-288-2767. Lake Lure AFG; Tuesdays, 7:30pm at Mountains Branch Library. 828-748-8583.
Advance Care Planning: Sessions consist of a private consult to understand the purpose and use of living wills and health care powers of attorney. Free Sessions. Call Joey Revis at Hospice of Rutherford County 828-245-0095 to schedule an appt.
American Legion Bingo: Every Thursday, doors open at 6pm. 2501 US 64/74A Hwy. Rutherfordton. Food concession available.
Domestic Violence Education/Support Group meets every Tues evening, 6-8pm. If you have ever been abused physically or mentally, or you never want to be abused, please come meet with us! We learn together using a great curriculum and fun activities, and have informative guest speakers. Call Dr. Johnnie Martin for more info & meeting place, 828-286-9590.
Support Group
Parents as Leaders (PALS) a parent and family support group of pre-school aged children, meets weekly to discuss issues, concerns and the joys of raising young children. 828-286-3901.
HOPE Grief Support Group
Free support group for any adult who has lost a loved one. Offered at the Hospice Annette Cash Whitaker Center of Living, 374 Hudlow Rd., Forest City. 828-245-0095.
Brother Wolf Animal Rescue
Pet Adoption Center & Thrift Store. Weekly Specials! In need of volunteers & foster homes, we would like to help Rutherford County become a NO KILL Community. 1366 US 221 Hwy. North, Rutherfordton (1 mile past RS Central High School). Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm. 828-287-7338.
Rutherford County Humane Society Thrift Shop
Open Wed. thru Sat., 10am-4pm. Proceeds benefit the Rutherford County Humane Society, a no-kill, non-profit 501(C)(3) animal rescue organization. We accept donations of food and bedding supplies for dogs/cats waiting to be adopted. Donations are tax deductible. 305 Buffalo Creek Rd., Lake Lure. 828-625-1042.
Low Cost Spay and Neuters
You can afford to have your pet spayed or neutered with our low cost program. Community Pet Center, 828-287-7738.