Beginner Beekeeping Course
Begins 1/19/13, (4 weeks) Saturday mornings, 8am-12pm. Sponsored by the Rutherford County Beekeepers Association. The course thoroughly covers the basics of what you need to know to get started in the world of beekeeping. For cost or to pre-register email: or call 828-980-1823.
ICC classes starting in January
•Swim Classes •Sign Language Beginner •Sign Language II •Computer Fundamentals I •Zumba •Ceramics •Yoga •Cheese Making •Soap Making •Concealed Handgun •Small Engine Repair •Cake Decorating- Beginner •Technology Tutoring •T’ai Chi Chih •Notary Public •Mac Computer Fundamentals. To Register, or for more info, call 828-286-3636, option 2, then option 1.
Rutherford Quilt Guild
1st meeting of the year on Mon. Jan. 14, 7pm at the First Baptist Church on Main St. Rutherfordton. Visitors are welcome and members are encouraged to bring a friend.
Country Ham Supper
Cane Creek Club House (Hwy. 64) Jan. 19, 4pm-8pm.
Cleveland County Arts Council Event
The Big Chill Casino Night Sat. Jan. 26, 6:30pm-11pm at The Arts Center. Join us for delicious food, great music and dancing. Take your chance at beating the odds and win exciting prizes.
Mental Illness Family Support Group
Always on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month: Tues. Jan. 15, 6:30-8pm at Cleveland County Red Cross Bldg; 1333 Fallston Rd., Shelby, NC 28150. This Family Support Group is specifically geared to the parents, grandparents, spouses, siblings, adult children & close relatives of persons suffering from severe & persistent mental illnesses. The illnesses covered are: Depression (unipolar), Manic Depression (bipolar), Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) & other neurobiological brain disorders. Meetings are confidential & a safe place to talk with other family members going through the same experiences. Info: 704-434-5166 or 704-583-0845.
Gilkey Chain Gang
Come crochet or knit Saturdays 2-3:30pm at Gilkey School Community Center (old Gilkey Elementary School). Beginners or Experienced. All ages. Bring a crochet hook or knitting needles & yarn. Check us out on facebook “Gilkey Chain Gang at Gilkey School Community Center” or call 828-289-2563.
Crime Stoppers of Rutherford County
Is a program established for the purpose of obtaining information about criminal activity & fugitive felons. Have information about a crime? Report is anonymously. You do not have to reveal your name. Your information could get you a cash reward. Crime Stoppers 828-286-8477.
2013 Forest City Heat Tryout Schedule
Sun. Jan. 13th & 20th, 2pm 5th-6th grade boys, 3:30pm 7th grade boys, 5pm 8th grade boys. Info: 828-223-1130 or 828-247-6102.
Hospice In Need of Items
Trash bags, laundry detergent, cleaning products dish detergent, Lysol spray, liquid hand soap, paper towels, Kleenex tissue, toilet tissue, etc. For more information, please call 828-245-0095.
Recognition Ceremony
Of the medals for Purple Heart and Prisoner of War to Army Corporal Joseph Ford, Sr. on Sat. Jan. 19, 1:30pm at the Charles George Veterans Affairs Medical Center: 1100 Tunnel Rd., Asheville, NC 28805. Info: 828-248-9771 or 570-872-7092.
Grace of God Rescue Mission
Needed items: Sectional plates, bowls, plastic forks & spoons, cups, napkins, paper towels, gallon canned foods, personal hygiene items, coffee, sugar & cleaning items. 828-245-9141.
Are You Ok Phone Reassurance Program
Designed to check on senior citizens & help them & their family have peace of mind. Program provides a knowledge that someone cares and will check on them daily. No cost for this program. Contact Lt. Godlock 828-287-6395, Rutherford Co. Sheriff Office.