Rutherford County Humane Society Thrift Shop
Everything in the store over $1.00 is ½ off for the rest of December. Decorate your home for Christmas, buy gifts and make your homes beautiful. Open, Wed.-Sat., 10am-4pm. Proceeds benefit the Rutherford County Humane Society, a no-kill, non-profit 501 (C) (3) animal rescue organization. 828-625-1042. 305 Buffalo Creek Rd., Lake Lure.
Realtors/Folks Cleaners Coat Drive: Real estate offices around the county have established drop-off points. Coats will be cleaned & distributed thru Yokefellow. Contact: Jim, 828-429-1023.
Toy Drive
Crowe’s Mortuary is sponsoring a toy drive to benefit the Salvation Army’s Christmas Cheer Center, Thurs. Dec. 11, 6pm. Bluegrass music will be provided by Mountain Oakes, Four Wheel Cab Company, Clover and Windy Gap. Admission is one unwrapped toy. Info, 828-286-2304.
Santa Paws House Photos
Have your picture taken with your Pet for $5 each. Sun. Dec. 14 & 21, 2pm-6pm @ Santa Paws House (Kimbrells Furniture). All proceeds go to the Community Pet Center Programs. Please bring a bag of Pet Food or a Toy for rescued pets.
Casar Christmas Parade
Sun. Dec.14, 3pm. Accepting entries now. Entry fee for the parade is a new unwrapped toy for the angel tree. To enter, please contact Sharon 704-473-5739 or Eddie 704-538-3366.
Buffet Breakfast
Sat. Dec 13, 7am-10am. Adults: $6, Kids 6-12 $3, 5 and under free. All you can eat. Gilkey School Community Center; 172 Gilkey School Rd., Rutherfordton.
Mobile Food Pantry
2nd Harvest Mobile Food Pantry, Tues. Dec.16, 10am at Caroleen United Methodist Church; 137 Mills Ave. First come, first serve.
RS Central Band
Spaghetti Dinner, Thurs. Dec. 18, 5-6:30pm. Ages: 13 & up $7, 5-12, $5, under 5 free. Silent Auction, 5-7pm. Various themed baskets, crafts, baked goods, donations from area businesses. Christmas Concert, 7pm. Proceeds go toward RS Central Band. 828-288-1153.
Blood Drives
•Mon. Dec.15, 3pm-7pm at Oak Grove UMC, Ellenboro. For appt call Dawn Kanipe, 828-899-1259. •Fri. Dec. 19, 1pm-5pm at Harris Elementary School; 3330 US Hwy 221 South, Forest City. For appt call Don Ingle, 828-248-2354. •Fri. Dec. 19, 10am- 2:30pm at Hickory Nut Gorge; 150 Bills Creek Rd., Lake Lure. For appt call Mary Ann Ferrin, 828-755-5255. •Sat. Dec. 20, 7:30am-12pm at Cliffside Masonic Lodge; Old Main St., Cliffside. For appt call Wayne Millis, 828-429-0212. •Wed. Dec. 31, 10am-2:30pm at Lowe’s; 184 Lowes Blvd, Forest City. To schedule appt call Pam Irby, 828-231-3055.
Hospice In Need of Items: Trash bags, laundry detergent, cleaning products dish detergent, Lysol spray, liquid hand soap, paper towels, Kleenex tissue, toilet tissue, etc. Info: 828-245-0095.
Domestic Violence Education/Support Group
Women who are victims of any kind of domestic abuse, or who never want to be, are invited the first Tuesday of each month 6-8pm. Contact Dr. Johnnie Martin @ 828-286-9590 or Sally Claroni @ 828-245-1390 ext. 104 for more place and more info.
Grace of God Rescue Mission needed items: Sectional plates, bowls, plastic forks & spoons, cups, napkins, paper towels, gallon canned foods, personal hygiene items, coffee, sugar & cleaning items. 828-245-9141.
Are You Ok Phone Reassurance Program: Designed to check on senior citizens & help them & their family have peace of mind. Program provides a knowledge that someone cares and will check on them daily. No cost for this program. Contact Lt. Godlock, 828-287-6395. Rutherford Co. Sheriff Office.
Crime Stoppers of Rutherford County: Program established for the purpose of obtaining info about criminal activity & fugitive felons. Have information about a crime? Report is anonymously. You do not have to reveal your name. Your info could get you a cash reward. Crime Stoppers, 828-286-8477.
Advance Care Planning: private consult to understand the purpose and use of living wills and health care powers of attorney. Free. Call Joey, Hospice of Rutherford County at 828-245-0095 to schedule an appt or for more info.
Rutherford Family Support Group: Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 6pm. Crawford Building; Rutherford Regional. Info: 2-1-1, ask A/B Group.
Al-Anon Family Groups
Patience AFG: Mondays, 7pm at Rutherford UMC. 828-288-2767. Lake Lure AFG; Tuesdays, 7:30pm at Mountains Branch Library. 828-748-8583. Info:
GWRRA NC Chapter NC-P-2
Meets monthly 2nd Tuesday at Ryan’s Steakhouse, Forest City. Eat at 6:30pm, Meet at 7:30pm. Anyone interested in motorcycles is welcome, no matter the brand. Jim Brabb, 828-447-7739.
Coat Give Away
Gilkey School Community Center is still taking Coats and giving them to those in need for one. Now we are taking Blankets, Gloves, and Toboggans. Contacts: Gail Parton at 828-287-4830 or 828-289-5208 or Hilda Roper at 828-287-5673 to arrange a time to get one.
Al-a-non Meetings
Monday evenings newcomers meeting held at 6:30pm. Al-a-non meeting at 7pm. Friends and family of alcoholics and addicts welcome. Held at the First United Methodist Church, 264 N. Main St., Rutherfordton. For more info please call Priscilla, 828-288-2767.
American Legion Post 74
Inaugural Bingo Night, every Thursday, 7pm at the former Green Hill School; 2501 US Hwy. 64/74A, Rutherfordton.