Meta's 2023 Data Center Community Action Grants recipients have been announced. Meta provides funding for nonprofits and schools to support the long-term vitality of Forest City.
"We fund projects that help put the power of technology to use for community benefit, connect people online or off and improve STEM education," said a spokesperson.
The grant program was created to address the needs of Rutherford and adjacent counties.
Nearly $220,7000 in nine grants were awarded to schools and nonprofits.
Four of the recipients are from Rutherford County or support Rutherford County -- Chase Middle School, KidSenses Children's Interactive Museum, Rutherfordton Food Art & Brew and the E-Polk Inc., DBA Pangaea Internet.
Chase Middle School received $10,827 to create an outdoor inquiry lab for students to increase engagement and enhance their understanding of sustainable practices and environmental awareness through citizen science and cross-curricular activities.
KidSenses received $45,000to provide VR technology for the Kidsenses' Tech Lab and Idea Zone in The FACTORY, the Museum's new addition, designed to help youth 11 and up acquire the knowledge and skills to succeed in the future work environment.
Rutherfordton Food, Art, & Brew received $25,000 to create a series of group classes and an online curriculum focused on individual growth and artistic exploration, increased economic activity and fostering collaborations between local artisans, business owners, and town government.
The E-Polk Inc., DBA Pangaea Internet received the largest grant at $49,200 to support technology upgrades that will increase Internet access speeds to Pangaea's Rutherford County customers to 1 Gigabyte and provide increased broadband access to the area.
Other recipients are Cleveland Community College, The Council on Aging for Henderson County, Henderson County Education Foundation and McDowell Technical Community College.
Cleveland Community College received $25,000 to increase access to technology devices and Internet resources to improve lives of marginalized populations in the Cleveland County community.
The Council on Aging for Henderson County received $20,000 to develop a computer center, meeting center, and related digital literacy and cybersecurity courses to connect to the active aging community in a safe digital learning space.
Henderson County Education Foundation received $20,500 to provide summer learning opportunities for elementary and middle schoolers to enhance STEM education and career exploration
Foothills Community School received $20,000 to support a mobile STEM Mobile to engage the elementary schools and community events in and around McDowell County in STEM-focused, project-based learning activities.
McDowell Technical Community College received $5,000 to develop the Mad Scientist STEM Summer Camp 2023, a four-day camp for rising 8th grade students in McDowell County featuring interactive experiments teaching both practical and astounding science lessons.