Five interns in the Clinical Pastoral Education program at Rutherford Regional Health System took part in a commencement ceremony March 21 at St. Luke’s Chapel, on the campus of Rutherford Regional Medical Center.
The School of Clinical Pastoral Education of Rutherford Regional Medical Center is accredited to offer CPE Levels I and II by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE). ACPE is nationally recognized as an accrediting agency in the field of clinical pastoral education by the U.S. Secretary of Education through the U.S. Department of Education.
Participants in the program function as chaplains at Rutherford Regional and are recognized as members of the healthcare team. Students are led by certified ACPE Supervisor the Rev. Don Ledbetter.
Those who took part in commencement are: Emma ChurchmanEmma is Euro-American and affiliated with the Quaker/-Religious Society of Friends. She is a member of Friends Meeting of Washington, Baltimore Yearly Meeting and as associate member of Chavakali Yearly Meeting in Kenya. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Human Development and Social Relations from Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., in June 1995. Emma participated in the Quaker School of the Spirit, Wallingford, Pa., Way of Ministry Program, 2008-2009. She is currently a Master of Divinity candidate Earlham School of Religion, scheduled to graduate in 2013. Emma is “dedicated to spirit centered service in the manner of Friends. She has worked with Quaker organizations as staff member, volunteer board member and consultant for over a decade. Her public ministry is expressed through faith-based programming with young adults, Quaker leadership development, teaching spiritual discernment, spiritual direction, poetry, writing and multi-media visual art.
For information on Rutherford Regional’s CPE Program, contact Don Ledbetter at 828-286-5050 or e-mail